Cross-facets Cross-facets Source Language a. Old English [OE] b. Old Scandinavian [OS] c. Old Danish [OD] d. Celtic-Old Cornish [OC] e. Celtic-Old Welsh f. Celtic-Old Breton [OBret] g. Celtic-Gaelic h. Old Irish i. Continental Germanic j. Old French k. Old Norman French l. Old Frisian m. Old German n. Romance o. Greek p. Latin q. Hebrew r. Aramaic Gender Male Female Applies to Personal names, occupational, relationship Morphology Genitival form Personal name Occupational Topographical Relationship -Son form Personal name + Relationship+ Occupation+ Affixes Personal names Relationship Occupational Topographical Toponymical Nicknames Scope note: should the preferred facet order be: Affixes-subtype-Source Language or Source Language-(Affixes) ?? Temporal Hearth Tax Hundred Census Year/RD Number Spatial Nation England English Counties Hundreds Parishes Registration Districts English County, post-1974 Postcode area Scotland Scottish Counties Parishes Registration Districts Scottish County, 1974- Postcode Area Wales Counties Parishes Registration Districts County, 1974- Postcode Area Isle of Man Ireland Provinces Counties Non-Assimilated Asian Hindi Iranian Muslim Pakistani/Bengali Sikh Sri Lanka Black African European Dutch French German Hispanic Italian Polish Nordic East European Cypriot North African Oriental Chinese Vietnamese Unknown Category Unknown –