Recent study registrations This page shows studies including variant spellings registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies in the past 13 months. The list is sorted by the date registered, most recent first. If you would prefer to view the list ordered by study or variant, click on the arrow in the column header that you wish to sort on. Further information on the studies, including contact details, can be found by using the ‘Surname Search’ box at the top of this webpage. Study Variant Registered Rouse Rouse 20/09/2024 Heelas Heelas 20/09/2024 Yelland Yealland 19/09/2024 Pagan Pagan 17/09/2024 Kennington Kennington 07/09/2024 Kennington Kynington 07/09/2024 Kennington Kynnington 07/09/2024 Schattschneider Schattschneider 06/09/2024 Schattschneider Schatzschneider 06/09/2024 Dovener Dovener 05/09/2024 Dovener Dovenor 05/09/2024 Turnbull Trimble 04/09/2024 Turnbull Trumble 04/09/2024 Turnbull Turnball 04/09/2024 Turnbull Turnbull 04/09/2024 Martindale Martindale 01/09/2024 Beckingham Beckingham 26/08/2024 DeForest de Forest 23/08/2024 DeForest de Foret 23/08/2024 DeForest DeForest 23/08/2024 DeForest DeForrest 23/08/2024 Pepperrell Peprell 21/08/2024 Coutts Couts 20/08/2024 Coutts Coutts 20/08/2024 Stidham Steadham 16/08/2024 Stidham Steddom 16/08/2024 Stidham Stedham 16/08/2024 Stidham Stidam 16/08/2024 Stidham Stiddem 16/08/2024 Stidham Stidham 16/08/2024 Angell Aingel 15/08/2024 Angell Aingell 15/08/2024 Angell Angel 12/08/2024 Angell Angell 12/08/2024 Jarvis Garvis 10/08/2024 Jarvis Gervis 10/08/2024 Jarvis Jerves 10/08/2024 Jarvis Jervis 10/08/2024 Jarvis Jervois 10/08/2024 Bye Buy 07/08/2024 Bye Bye 07/08/2024 Jarvis Gervase 05/08/2024 Burford Burford 05/08/2024 Jarvis Jarvis 04/08/2024 Bliss Bless 30/07/2024 Bliss Blesse 30/07/2024 Bliss Blise 30/07/2024 Bliss Bliss 30/07/2024 Bliss Blisse 30/07/2024 Bliss Blysse 30/07/2024 Tebbett Tabbitt 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tabeart 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tebbutt 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tibbert 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tibbett 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tibbetts 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tibbott 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tobitt 29/07/2024 Beismer Bezemer 28/07/2024 Beismer Biesemeyer 28/07/2024 Wormuth Warmouth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Warmuth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wermouth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wermuth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wormouth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wormuth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wormwood 28/07/2024 Beismer Beasimer 28/07/2024 Beismer Beesimer 28/07/2024 Beismer Beismer 28/07/2024 Beismer Besemer 28/07/2024 Beismer Besimer 28/07/2024 Beismer Biesemeier 28/07/2024 Beismer Bismer 28/07/2024 Grindrod Grindrod 28/07/2024 Coulter Coalter 26/07/2024 Coulter Colter 26/07/2024 Coulter Coulter 26/07/2024 Coulter Culter 26/07/2024 Coulter Cultre 26/07/2024 Carew Carew 25/07/2024 Howeg Hogeweg 22/07/2024 Howeg Hohweg 22/07/2024 Oswick Ossic 21/07/2024 Oswick Oswic 21/07/2024 Oswick Oswick 21/07/2024 Comrie Comrie 19/07/2024 Comrie Comry 19/07/2024 Comrie Cumrie 19/07/2024 Pasquill Pasquill 17/07/2024 Pasquill Pasquilla 17/07/2024 Lilleystone Lilleystone 17/07/2024 Gibney Gibbney 15/07/2024 Gibney Gibney 15/07/2024 Gibney McGibney 15/07/2024 Howeg Hobicht 13/07/2024 Howeg Howech 13/07/2024 Howeg Howeg 13/07/2024 Howeg Howig 13/07/2024 Pinkney Pinkney 11/07/2024 Mannall Mannal 11/07/2024 Mannall Mannall 11/07/2024 Mannall Mannell 11/07/2024 Mannall Mennell 11/07/2024 Kenyon Kenion 08/07/2024 Kenyon Kenyon 08/07/2024 Kenyon Kinion 08/07/2024 Kenyon Kinyon 08/07/2024 Critchley-Salmonson Critchley-Salmonson 06/07/2024 Hoskins Hoiskins 06/07/2024 Hoskins Hoskins 06/07/2024 Hoskins Hoyskins 06/07/2024 Hattle Hattel 05/07/2024 Hattle Hattle 05/07/2024 Hattle Hettel 05/07/2024 Hattle Hettle 05/07/2024 Ricketts Reckitt 03/07/2024 Ricketts Ricket 03/07/2024 Ricketts Rickets 03/07/2024 Ricketts Rickett 03/07/2024 Ricketts Ricketts 03/07/2024 Ricketts Rickit 03/07/2024 Ricketts Rickitt 03/07/2024 Ricketts Wreckitt 03/07/2024 Ricketts Wreggitt 03/07/2024 Bloor Bloor 02/07/2024 Bloor Bloore 02/07/2024 Bloor Blore 02/07/2024 Padget Padgit 25/06/2024 Padget Padgitt 25/06/2024 Padget Paget 25/06/2024 Padget Paget 25/06/2024 Padget Patchet 25/06/2024 Padget Patchett 25/06/2024 Padget Patchit 25/06/2024 Padget Patchitt 25/06/2024 Gallagher Gallacher 24/06/2024 Gallagher Gallagher 24/06/2024 Gallagher Gallaher 24/06/2024 Gallagher Golliher 24/06/2024 Eastcott Estcotte 23/06/2024 Lomax Lomas 21/06/2024 Lomax Lomax 21/06/2024 Lomax Lumax 21/06/2024 Pitcher Pilcher 21/06/2024 Pitcher Pitcher 21/06/2024 Pitcher Pitchers 21/06/2024 Threadgold Threadkell 14/06/2024 Threadgold Thredkell 14/06/2024 Dustan Dustain 12/06/2024 Briese Brese 05/06/2024 Briese Bryza 05/06/2024 Briese Bryze 05/06/2024 Harmer Armer 01/06/2024 Harmer Harman 01/06/2024 Haviland de Havilland 31/05/2024 Haviland Havelland 31/05/2024 Dowding Dowden 30/05/2024 Rienerth Reinerth 30/05/2024 Rienerth Reinhert 30/05/2024 Rienerth Rienhert 30/05/2024 Creber Crebar 30/05/2024 Hinxman Henxman 30/05/2024 Casson Cason 30/05/2024 Darvall Durvall 30/05/2024 Hore Hoar 30/05/2024 Hore Hoore 30/05/2024 Hore le Hore 30/05/2024 Hore Whoare 30/05/2024 Hore Whore 30/05/2024 Caddie Cuddie 30/05/2024 Bandy Bundy 30/05/2024 Philo Fillow 30/05/2024 Philo Philleo 30/05/2024 Sabey Sabie 30/05/2024 Sabey Seaby 30/05/2024 Broadbridge Bradbridge 29/05/2024 Broadbridge Broadbridge 29/05/2024 Broadbridge Brodbridge 29/05/2024 Tabourdeux Tabuteau 28/05/2024 Duckett Ducat 28/05/2024 Duckett Ducket 28/05/2024 Duckett Duckit 28/05/2024 Duckett Duckitt 28/05/2024 Duckett Duket 28/05/2024 Duckett Quekett 28/05/2024 Peak McPeake 28/05/2024 Goucher Gaucher 22/05/2024 Goucher Goutcher 22/05/2024 Istance Instant 22/05/2024 Istance Instone 22/05/2024 Wooster Wocester 19/05/2024 Wooster Wooster 19/05/2024 Wooster Worcester 19/05/2024 Wooster Worcestre 19/05/2024 Wooster Worster 19/05/2024 Wooster Woster 19/05/2024 Furmedge Furmage 15/05/2024 Bowles Bowles 10/05/2024 Chuter Chuter 08/05/2024 Altman Alltman 06/05/2024 Altman Alltmanne 06/05/2024 Altman Altman 06/05/2024 Altman Altmann 06/05/2024 Altman Altmanne 06/05/2024 Altman Altmanns 06/05/2024 Scorey Scorey 01/05/2024 Scorey Scorry 01/05/2024 Scorey Scory 01/05/2024 Scorey Scourey 01/05/2024 Gaffney Gaffney 30/04/2024 Brabbs Brabs 28/04/2024 Baldwin Baldewyne 25/04/2024 Baldwin Baldwin 25/04/2024 Baldwin Baldwine 25/04/2024 Baldwin Baldwyne 25/04/2024 Millwater Millwater 24/04/2024 Millwater Millwaters 24/04/2024 Millwater Milwater 24/04/2024 Millwater Milwaters 24/04/2024 Threadgold Thridgould 23/04/2024 Threadgold Thridgold 23/04/2024 Brabbs Brabbs 20/04/2024 Fullum Fullam 20/04/2024 Fullum Fullem 20/04/2024 Fullum Fullum 20/04/2024 Threadgold Tredgold 19/04/2024 Threadgold Treadgold 18/04/2024 Milestone Milestone 14/04/2024 Stalker Staliker 11/04/2024 Stalker Stalker 11/04/2024 Stalker Stolicker 11/04/2024 Stalker Stoliker 11/04/2024 Stalker Stolliker 11/04/2024 Chadwick Chadwick 11/04/2024 Chadwick Chadwicke 11/04/2024 Chadwick Chadwyck 11/04/2024 Chadwick Chadwyke 11/04/2024 Threadgold Threadgold 06/04/2024 Threadgold Threadgould 06/04/2024 Blackler Blackler 06/04/2024 Roffey Roffye 02/04/2024 Roffey Roughie 02/04/2024 Wagner Wagenaar 01/04/2024 Wagner Wagener 01/04/2024 Wagner Wagner 01/04/2024 Benefiel Benefiel 01/04/2024 Benefiel Benefield 01/04/2024 Benefiel Bennefiel 01/04/2024 Benefiel Bennefield 01/04/2024 Benefiel Benningfield 01/04/2024 Padget Padget 28/03/2024 Padget Padgett 28/03/2024 Toynbee Toinbee 26/03/2024 Toynbee Toinby 26/03/2024 Toynbee Toynbee 26/03/2024 Toynbee Toynby 26/03/2024 Strome Strohm 23/03/2024 Strome Strom 23/03/2024 Strome Strome 23/03/2024 Hoy Hoy 18/03/2024 Hoy Hoye 18/03/2024 Ostridge Estridge 15/03/2024 Ostridge Ostrich 15/03/2024 Ostridge Ostridge 15/03/2024 Widmer Wiedmer 12/03/2024 Darroch Darach 10/03/2024 Darroch Darragh 10/03/2024 Darroch Darroch 10/03/2024 Darroch Darrow 10/03/2024 Joyce Joass 10/03/2024 Joyce Joice 10/03/2024 Joyce Joise 10/03/2024 Joyce Joyse 10/03/2024 Joyce Seoighe 10/03/2024 Gilbourne Gilburn 09/03/2024 Joyce Joss 09/03/2024 Joyce Joyce 09/03/2024 Bicket Bichan 07/03/2024 Sawusch Sawusch 07/03/2024 Philippides Philippides 06/03/2024 Philippides Philippos 06/03/2024 Philippides Philippus 06/03/2024 Philippides Phillipos 06/03/2024 Philippides Phillippos 06/03/2024 Philippides Phillipus 06/03/2024 Heaton De Heton 06/03/2024 Heaton Heaton 06/03/2024 Price Praidheas 06/03/2024 Price Preist 06/03/2024 Price Price 06/03/2024 Price Pryce 06/03/2024 Newton Newton 06/03/2024 Papuga Papuga 03/03/2024 Clamage Clamage 03/03/2024 Clamage Clamitz 03/03/2024 Clamage Clemage 03/03/2024 Clamage Clemage 03/03/2024 Clamage Clemitz 03/03/2024 Clamage Clenowich 03/03/2024 Clamage Klemitz 03/03/2024 Clamage Klimist 03/03/2024 Marnham Marnham 03/03/2024 McGruther MacGruder 03/03/2024 McGruther MacGruther 03/03/2024 McGruther Magruder 03/03/2024 McGruther McGrouther 03/03/2024 McGruther McGruder 03/03/2024 McGruther McGruther 03/03/2024 Mathis Mathis 26/02/2024 Habgood Hobgood 25/02/2024 Habgood Habgood 24/02/2024 Habgood Hapgood 24/02/2024 Eastcott Eascott 18/02/2024 Eastcott Eastcoate 18/02/2024 Clogg Clogg 18/02/2024 Scovell Scovell 18/02/2024 Shallcross Shawcross 18/02/2024 Furmedge Furmedge 16/02/2024 Furmedge Furmidge 16/02/2024 Duckett Duckett 16/02/2024 Hirst Hearst 15/02/2024 Hirst Hirst 15/02/2024 Wigley Wigley 14/02/2024 Wigley Wigly 14/02/2024 Wigley Wrigley 14/02/2024 Wigley Wygeley 14/02/2024 Wigley Wyggeley 14/02/2024 Coles Coles 12/02/2024 Pawlett Paulet 10/02/2024 Pawlett Pawlett 10/02/2024 Faragher Faragher 09/02/2024 Faragher Fargher 09/02/2024 Faragher Farragher 09/02/2024 Blanckley Blanckley 08/02/2024 Blanckley Blankley 08/02/2024 O'Farrell Farell 07/02/2024 O'Farrell Farrall 07/02/2024 O'Farrell Farrel 07/02/2024 O'Farrell Farrell 07/02/2024 O'Farrell Fearghail 07/02/2024 O'Farrell O'Farell 07/02/2024 O'Farrell O'Farrall 07/02/2024 O'Farrell O'Farrel 07/02/2024 O'Farrell O'Farrell 07/02/2024 O'Farrell O'Fearghail 07/02/2024 Candler Candler 06/02/2024 Glassett Glassett 02/02/2024 Brimer Brebner 02/02/2024 Brimer Bremner 02/02/2024 Brimer Brimer 02/02/2024 Brimer Brymer 02/02/2024 Inshaw Inshaw 28/01/2024 Sapstead Sapsed 23/01/2024 Sapstead Sapstead 23/01/2024 Sapstead Sapsted 23/01/2024 Lund Lunn 23/01/2024 Lund Lunt 23/01/2024 Whitehouse Whitehouse 22/01/2024 Whitehouse Whitthaus 22/01/2024 Whitehouse Witthaus 22/01/2024 Gillespie Gillaspie 21/01/2024 Gillespie Gillespie 21/01/2024 Orwin Orwin 19/01/2024 Baines Baines 17/01/2024 Mitchinson Mitcheson 13/01/2024 Mitchinson Mitchinson 13/01/2024 Mitchinson Mitchison 13/01/2024 Orth Orth 09/01/2024 Brosho Brosho 08/01/2024 Brosho Browsho 08/01/2024 Coy Coy 07/01/2024 Skimming McSkimming 30/12/2023 Scollough Schollough 29/12/2023 Scollough Scollough 29/12/2023 Scollough Scolough 29/12/2023 Skimming Skiming 29/12/2023 Skimming Skimming 29/12/2023 Skimming Skimmings 29/12/2023 Skimming Skimmins 29/12/2023 Peet Peet 27/12/2023 Hore Hoard 24/12/2023 Hore Hord 24/12/2023 Poile Poil 23/12/2023 Poile Poile 23/12/2023 Poile Poyl 23/12/2023 Poile Poyle 23/12/2023 Hendy Hendee 22/12/2023 Hendy Hendey 22/12/2023 Hendy Hendie 22/12/2023 Hendy Hendy 22/12/2023 Hendy Hendye 22/12/2023 Caudwell Caudwell 07/12/2023 Cheesman Cheasman 04/12/2023 Cheesman Cheeseman 04/12/2023 Cheesman Cheesman 04/12/2023 Cheesman Cheesmund 04/12/2023 Cheesman Cheisman 04/12/2023 Cheesman Cheseman 04/12/2023 Schipp Schipp 02/12/2023 Schipp Schubb 02/12/2023 Schipp Schupp 02/12/2023 Gowland Gowland 01/12/2023 Gowland Gowlland 01/12/2023 Sykes Sickes 01/12/2023 Sykes Sike 01/12/2023 Sykes Sikes 01/12/2023 Sykes Syke 01/12/2023 Sykes Sykes 01/12/2023 Harmer Harmar 24/11/2023 Harmer Harmer 24/11/2023 Harmer Harmour 24/11/2023 Moxon Moakson 21/11/2023 Moxon Moxen 21/11/2023 Moxon Moxham 21/11/2023 Moxon Moxsom 21/11/2023 Moxon Mokeson 20/11/2023 Moxon Moxom 20/11/2023 Moxon Moxon 20/11/2023 Abson Absom 20/11/2023 Abson Abson 20/11/2023 Good Good 18/11/2023 Good Goode 18/11/2023 Short Shortt 16/11/2023 Kneeland Cleland 13/11/2023 Kneeland Kneeland 13/11/2023 Kneeland Kneland 13/11/2023 Kneeland Nealand 13/11/2023 Kneeland Neyland 13/11/2023 Chomley Chaumley 13/11/2023 Chomley Cholmley 13/11/2023 Chomley Chomley 13/11/2023 Coffman Caufman 11/11/2023 Coffman Caughman 11/11/2023 Coffman Coffman 11/11/2023 Coffman Kauffman 11/11/2023 Coffman Kauffmann 11/11/2023 Coffman Kaufman 11/11/2023 Pett Pett 10/11/2023 Pett Petta 10/11/2023 Short Short 06/11/2023 Sheldon Shelden 04/11/2023 Sheldon Sheldon 04/11/2023 Sheldon Shelton 04/11/2023 Sheldon Shilton 04/11/2023 Kilgannon Gilgallon 04/11/2023 Kilgannon Gilgannon 04/11/2023 Kilgannon Kilgallen 04/11/2023 Kilgannon Kilgallon 04/11/2023 Kilgannon Kilgannon 04/11/2023 Reynish Raynish 02/11/2023 Reynish Renish 02/11/2023 Reynish Rennish 02/11/2023 Reynish Reynish 02/11/2023 Reynish Rhenich 02/11/2023 Reynish Rhenish 02/11/2023 Atherton Atherton 01/11/2023 McElwee McElwee 01/11/2023 Yelland Yeoland 29/10/2023 Treleven Treleaven 28/10/2023 Treleven Treleven 28/10/2023 Treleven Treliving 28/10/2023 Yelland Yalland 27/10/2023 Yelland Yelland 27/10/2023 Yelland Yolland 27/10/2023 Hubble Hubbold 27/10/2023 Bunting Bunten 25/10/2023 Bunting Buntin 25/10/2023 Bunting Bunting 25/10/2023 Bunting Bunton 25/10/2023 Bunting Buntting 25/10/2023 Bunting Buntyng 25/10/2023 Hubble Hubball 24/10/2023 Hubble Hubble 24/10/2023 Snelson Snelleston 23/10/2023 Snelson Snellson 23/10/2023 Snelson Snellsone 23/10/2023 Snelson Snelson 23/10/2023 Snelson Snelston 23/10/2023 Snelson Snelstone 23/10/2023 Montgomery Montgomerie 21/10/2023 Montgomery Montgomery 21/10/2023 Mandeville Mandefield 15/10/2023 Mandeville Mandeville 15/10/2023 Mandeville Manfield 15/10/2023 Mandeville Mansfield 15/10/2023 Mandeville Manvell 15/10/2023 Mandeville Manville 15/10/2023 Rushby Rushby 10/10/2023 May May 03/10/2023 Wilcoxon Willcoxon 03/10/2023 Burdess Burdess 02/10/2023 Henneker Heneker 01/10/2023 Henneker Henneker 01/10/2023 Henneker Henniker 01/10/2023 Burdis Burdiss 30/09/2023 Banks Bancks 30/09/2023 Banks Bankes 30/09/2023 Banks Banks 30/09/2023 Leverton Laverton 22/09/2023 Leverton Leaverton 22/09/2023 Leverton Leventon 22/09/2023 Leverton Leverton 22/09/2023 Leverton Leviton 22/09/2023 Leverton Liffiton 22/09/2023 Leverton Liverton 22/09/2023 Dadford Dodforde 19/09/2023 Shallcross Shallcross 15/09/2023 Caley Caley 10/09/2023 Callahan Calahan 07/09/2023 Callahan Callaghan 07/09/2023 Callahan Callahan 07/09/2023 Kirkbride Kirkbride 07/09/2023 Kirkbride Kirkbright 07/09/2023 Dawbarn Dawbarn 05/09/2023 Veitch Veach 04/09/2023 Veitch Veitch 04/09/2023 Veitch Vitch 04/09/2023 Yeo Atyeo 03/09/2023 Yeo Yaw 03/09/2023 Minns Minnis 01/09/2023 Minns Minns 01/09/2023 Minns Myngs 01/09/2023 Whillans Wealands 01/09/2023 Whillans Wealleans 01/09/2023 Whillans Willins 01/09/2023 Rienerth Rienerth 27/08/2023 Thorpe Tharp 26/08/2023 Thorpe Tharpe 26/08/2023 Thorpe Thorp 26/08/2023 Thorpe Thorpe 26/08/2023 Thorpe Throop 26/08/2023 Thorpe Torp 26/08/2023 Goucher Gutcher 24/08/2023 Colbourn Colbourn 22/08/2023 Colbourn Colbourne 22/08/2023