Modern Newspaper Index Old In the mid-1990s I was clearing my study and had gathered a rather large pile of newspaper clippings which included some obituaries. My late Mum was with me and commented that I should index them. I was not especially keen as I already had a full workload. Mum offered to type as long as I organised the spreadsheet.The Index is called "Modern" because it contains items that relate to the period from 1950 to date. Don't let that fool you; there are several instances where the data refers to an event that happened a decade or so earlier. The material is mainly from the United Kingdom, but there are some exceptions. Whilst the bulk of the material relates to obituaries there are examples of family acknowledgements, remembrances, lengthy death announcements, birth and anniversary announcements. You will need to locate the actual obituary from the newspaper office themselves or local archives. If you do need any assistance, contact me at the address given on the front page of this website. A full list of the newspapers and locations contained within the index can be found HERE.Over the next almost twenty years the Index grew and grew, and now contains around 100,000 entries. Mum passed away in February 2014, and the bulk of what you see here is her work. I miss Mum every day and this index is dedicated to her. In September 2016 I offered the Index to the Guild of One-Name Studies in her memory.© 1996-2024 Julie Goucher and the Guild of One-Name Studies. Search the Modern Newspaper Index for: Surname: Forename (optional):