The Guild Indexes This page shows the various on-line Indexes relative to One-Name Studies offered on the Guild website. The Global Marriages, Inscriptions and Modern Newspaper Indexes are available to all. Guild members can access the other Indexes by clicking on the appropriate image. Alternatively, both members and non-members can use the “Surname Search” facility above to identify where your name of interest occurs throughout the Guild’s resources, including all of these indexes. Please note that the legacy Marriages of the World, Worldwide Marriages and Scottish Indexes are now part of the Global Marriages Index. Indexes available to the Public Global Marriages Index The Global Marriages Index is available to all and logged in Guild members can view more recent marriages. It contains worldwide marriages contributed by Guild members. The object of the Index is to enable you to find Guild members that you may have connections with. Inscriptions Index The Inscriptions Index, also available to all, is an index to names listed on a variety of inscriptions such as schools honours boards, local war memorials, dedication plaques, society trophies, etc., and linking through to photographs of the inscriptions. Modern Newspaper Index In loving memory of her mother, one of our members has made available an index of newspaper announcements collected over decades since the 1950s, primarily in the UK. Available to all, come see if your surname features. Members’ Datastores The Global datastores Index is available to all but logged in Guild members can view more details. It contains bulk data collected by members as part of a registered study classified by type – the main ones being births, deaths, probate, census. Members only Indexes Probate Index Unlike Calendars of Wills, which are organised by name of testator, this is an index of people named in Wills whose surnames differ from that of the testator. It is available to Guild members. Library Index Details of holdings in the Guild Library and Online Library for specific names (some registered with the Guild and some not).