Talk given at the Guild Conference 2013

This is a presentation to coincide with the newly released Welsh Newspaper Online project. The National Library of Wales has digitised 2 million pages of newspapers and journals published in Wales before 1911.

The presentation will show how the website works and how to get the best out of it. Demonstrating that audiences worldwide will be able to access the information and discover countless nuggets of facts, forgotten incidents and interesting miscellany that would otherwise remain hidden with the heavy dusty covers of the volumes in Aberystwyth. Accessing the digital images will be free of charge for all!

Guild Members can view or download the full presentation by clicking the image below.

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Beryl Evans

About the Speaker
Beryl Evans has worked at the National Library of Wales since 1985, working in various posts relating to family history and public services. At present, she is the Research Services Manager. She has contributed to many radio and television programmes relating to family history over the years, as well as contributing to and writing for various journals and magazines and giving talks on various aspects of Welsh family history.

At the moment she is also the Archives Liaison Officer for the Federation of Family History Societies; Chairman of the Association of Family History Societies of Wales and of Cardiganshire Family History Society; and represents the National Library of Wales on the Executive Committees of Powys and Dyfed Family History Societies.

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