Surnames A-Z Surnames Registered with the Guild Each of the surnames listed is the subject of a one-name study carried out by a Guild member and links to our full search results for that study. If the results include a study profile, the link is shown with a light grey background. Select an initial letter to view our list of registered surnames:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z We have 429 registered surnames beginning with W. Wackinshaw Waddell Waddesworth Wadey Wadsworth Wagenaar Wagener Waghorn Wagner Waie Wait Waite Wakelam Wakelem Wakeley Wakelham Wakely Wakenshaw Wakley Walbank Walbanks Waldeck Waldock Waldrick Walduck Walford Walkingshaw Walkinschaw Walkinshaw Walkland Wallace Wallbank Wallbanks Walldock Wallduck Waller Wallford Walsingham Walster Walston Walstone Walstow Walstowe Wanson War Warburton Warden Ware Warenne Warfer Warfur Waring Waringe Warnick Warnock Warnocke Warnook Warr Warre Warren Warring Wars Warth Waryng Washbrook Washbrooke Wasp Waspe Waterfall Watkis Watkiss Watson Waycot Waycott Waycotte Waymark Wayringe Weadie Weady Wealands Wealleans Wearg Wearing Weat Weate Weatherson Weatherston Weatherstone Webb Webberly Webberlye Webley Weblin Wedy Weedie Weedy Weet Weigh Weight Weinister Welbee Welbelove Welbeloved Welbey Welbie Welby Welbye Welfair Welfar Welfare Welfear Wellard Wellbelove Wellbeloved Wellbeluff Wellby Wellbye Wellfair Wellfare Wellock Wellsman Welsman Wennington Weobly Werg Werge Wership Werth Weseman Westerdale Westerndale Westmerland Westmooreland Westmoorland Westmore Westmoreland Westmorland Westpfel Westpfell Wetherston Wetherstone Weymark Whaite Whakelam Whaklam Whaley Whammond Whamond Whaple Wharfer Whateley Whately Whearter Wheat Wheatbread Wheate Wheater Wheelans Wheelhouse Wheelock Whellens Whellock Wherter Wheter Whether Wheymont Whibley Whichelo Whicher Whie Whiffen Whiffin Whiffing Whillance Whillans Whillas Whillis Whillock Whinney Whinnie Whinny Whipple Whippo Whitbee Whitbey Whitbread Whitbred Whitby Whitcher Whitcraft Whitcroft Whiteaway Whitebread Whitebred Whitehead Whitehouse Whitelock Whitelocke Whiteway Whiteworth Whitlock Whitmarsh Whitnall Whittall Whitthaus Whittle Whitworth Whitworthe Whoare Wholey Wholley Whooley Whoolley Whore Whymark Whymondson Whymont Whytbred Whytworth Whytworthe Wibblin Wiblen Wiblin Wibline Wibling Wichelo Wicher Wicketshaw Wickwar Wickward Wickware Wickwarr Wickwarre Wicwar Widmer Wie Wiedmer Wiegh Wiffen Wiffin Wiggail Wiggall Wiggell Wiggill Wiggle Wight Wigley Wigly Wigsall Wigsell Wigzell Wikeley Wilcoxen Wilcoxon Wilcoxson Wilderspan Wilderspin Wilderspine Wiley Willans Willcoxon Willcoxson Willerton Willescroft Willindale Willing Willingale Willingall Willingate Willinger Willings Willingsgale Willins Willinscroft Williscraft Williscroft Willman Willmann Willmets Willmots Willsman Willstrop Wilman Wilmans Wilmets Wilmots Wilsman Wilstrop Wilstrup Wimple Wincheep Winchep Winchip Windelowe Windlaw Windley Windlo Windlow Windship Winister Wink Winks Winlo Winlow Winlowe Winney Winnie Winnington Winnister Winny Winship Winshop Winter Winterage Winteredge Winterflode Winterflood Winterfloode Winterfloud Winterflowde Winteridge Winters Wintridge Wippel Wipple Wirge Wirth Wisehart Wiseheart Wiseman Wishard Wishart Wisheart Witby Witcher Witthaus Witworth Wocester Woertman Wokey Wokie Wolf Wolfe Wolford Wolgar Wolger Woller Wolliscroft Wonson Wonsone Wonston Wonstone Wonton Woodall Woodenton Woodington Woodmore Woodnatt Woodnett Woodnoth Woodnut Woodnutt Woodroe Woodrow Woodrowe Wookey Wookie Wooler Woolf Woolff Woolgar Woolger Wooliscroft Wooller Woollgar Woolliscroft Wooster Worcester Worcestre Worfer Worge Worsall Worsell Worship Worshipe Worships Worssell Worster Worth Worthington Wortman Worts Woster Wouldhave Wrath Wraxworthy Wreckitt Wreggitt Wren Wrenn Wrexworthy Wrigley Wurdemann Wurship Wurth Wy Wyan Wye Wyen Wygeley Wygesell Wyggeley Wygsell Wyld Wylde Wylestrope Wylie Wyllie Wyly Wymarck Wymark Wyndlow Wynterflood Wyon Wyporska Wyrge Wyschart Wyseman Wyun Select an initial letter to view our list of registered surnames:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z