Guild of One-Name Studies
One-name studies, Genealogy
Study: Walduck   
Variants: Waldeck, Waldock, Waldrick, Walldock, Wallduck
Category: 1 - A study where research using core genealogical datasets and transcriptions is in its early stages.
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Contact: Mr Tony Walduck
This study evolved from a study of my own Walduck ancestors (begun 2010) in which I discovered an extremely large concentration of Walducks in Drayton Parslow village, Buckinghamshire, UK.
Further work showed similar clustering in some other villages: e.g. Meldreth (Cambridgeshire), Ashwell (Hertfordshire), and also in London (some of these became prosperous hotel owners).
The highly clustered distribution within the UK during early censuses suggests that it has had a short history within the UK (perhaps it had recently evolved, possibly from Waldock, or vice-versa), or that the name was introduced from outside the UK, perhaps by immigrants from elsewhere in Europe.
Waldeck is also known to come from the Germanic areas (Rhineland-Palatinate). There is even a Waldeck Castle (first mentioned in 1120, according to
Throughout the UK BMD records (1837-2006) there are 786 Walduck births, 2901 Waldock births & 167 Waldeck births. There are far fewer births recorded with the alternative spellings, although Wallduck predominates (124 births). Waldocks appear to be increasing, but Walducks are declining in numbers. It appears that there are only 7 Waldrick births over this long period, none within the last 60 years, suggesting extinction of this name in the UK.
Overall there are about 5500 entries in the UK censuses for 1841-1911 for Walduck and its variants, which may arise from about 1200-1500 separate people. Due to the same person being recorded with different names in different counties, it will take further effort to determine each family tree.
My main data source has been the UK censuses, reinforced by BMD sources. I have not yet trawled all BMD records, except for particular areas. Information from the Drayton Parslow parish register has also proved useful. Much more work of this nature still remains to be done.
See also: The Walducks of Drayton Parslow, Bucks., & their descendants, by A G Walduck (deposited in the Society of Genealogists' library) which gives my researches up until December 2010.