Guild of One-Name Studies
One-name studies, Genealogy
This study is no longer registered with the Guild, but this profile page has been retained at the member's request. Please note that neither officers nor members of the Guild are able to answer any questions about this study.
Rondeau is sometimes misread as Rondean and French variants can be spelt Rondo, Rondot, Rondeaux.
Early UK variants were probably phonetic spelling variations such as Roundeau, Rondau and Roandeau.
The UK Rondeaus were French Huguenots and fled to London and Canterbury in the late 1600s to escape religious persecution. They were mostly master silk weavers.
Rondeaus who left their native France to live in French Canadaian Territory in the 1600s have spread throughout North America.
Stan Rondeau has written a small booklet outlining some of the history of the UK Rondeaus. It is peppered with interesting anecdotes and photographs. Contact Stan Rondeau
Lewis Hussare, murdered his wife Ann Rondeau, in London in 1724
John Rondeau, sexton of Spitalfields was born in 1706. His bones and coffin plate are now in the Museum of London after excavation of the Spitalfields crypt.
There is a booklet written about William Rondeau 'The backwoods Preacher'. He trained as a lawyer and Baptist minister and emigrated from Manchester to the USA in 1819 to become a flatboat owner on the Mississippi. The material is taken from his surviving diaries.
Rondeau Island near Golconda is named after him.
The Rondeau Provincial Park is in Ontario Canada.
There are about 127 individuals in the UK today with the name Rondeau.
There were 35 in 1901 There were 28 in 1881 There were 25 in 1871 There were 13 in 1861
There are 743 references in the Canadian 1881 census
There are over 500 references in the 1880 US census. There are 1650 references in the 1930 US census
There are 2681 references in the French phone directory to the name
There are about 3750 references in Canadian phone directories.
There are about 2500 references in the US phone directories.
There are 48 references in the Belgium phone directory
There are 5 references in the Luxembourg phone directory
There are 3 references in the Dutch phone directory.
All English GRO birth, death and marriage references.
All known Rondeau wills in the UK.
Parish register references.
Trade directory references.
1901, 1891, 1881, 1871, 1861, 1851 and 1841 census details.
Electoral register and phone details.
Records of references to a branch in India. Rondeau message board. For Canadian and US information. Mainly, UK, Indian and French information. UK information and author of Hugenot Tales.