Guild of One-Name Studies
One-name studies, Genealogy
This study is no longer registered with the Guild, but this profile page has been retained at the member's request. Please note that neither officers nor members of the Guild are able to answer any questions about this study.
A study website has been preserved by the Guild:
In common with many one name studies I suspect my data grew from trying to track down my Auty ancestors who seemed very adept at avoiding census enumerators, and appearing in church registers only when they could guarantee that someone of the same name would be entered around the same time.
As this was in the time BC (before computers) and the only way to see the census and parish register was at the local archive a record everything approach was taken just in case I might need it
Over the years the growing database became an unofficial one name study which proved useful to other Auty researchers and only in 2011 did I take that final step and register.
It became apparent in the early years of my research that the Auty surname was extremely localised around the Dewsbury/West Ardsley area of Yorkshire and it was then I started with the idea of attempting to find if there was a common ancestor to the various branches.
The Standard modern variants are
Additional variants through time or misplacement:
Possible variations
Possible Origins
I have always accepted it as a local name around Dewsbury and need to do more in depth research into its origins.
However there are a couple of theories as follows:
Distibution of the main variants during the census years are within the following areas:
The Worcester Auties are a bit of a mystery at the moment, but I suspect the Awty cluster around the South Yorkshire/Derbyshire were miners who moved from West Ardsley, coal mining being something both areas have in common.
The Auty One-Name Study database is located in the 'links' section below
You will have to submit a free registration to gain access to the data
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