Guild of One-Name Studies
One-name studies, Genealogy
Study: Bradburn   
Variants: Bradbourne, Bradburne
Category: 2 - A study where research using core genealogical datasets and transcriptions is well under way, but currently in some countries only.
Guild hosted website:
DNA website:
Study Associates: James Bradburn
Contact: Mr John Bradburn
I have just put up the first version of a website with a database so that anyone who is interested can see what has been uncovered about the Bradburn surname and its holders over time. At present the website focuses on the history of the British Bradburns from 1250 to 1600 and the attached database includes British Bradburns from 1250 to 1850. I hope to include Bradburns from Ireland, North America, Australia and New Zealand in the future. This website is being hosted by the Guild of One-name Studies who have said that they will try to preserve it in perpetuity even when I am no longer around. The URL address of this website is .