Journal Volume 8: 2003-2005 Vol 8 No 12, Oct-Dec 2005 : Click to view this journal online. Marriage Challenge: an exciting new Guild project by Peter Copsey and Anni Berman Keeping things in the family with the help of eBay Internet auctions by Janet Few Guild introduces look-ups in 1837online for “offline” members by Cliff Kemball webwatch: Finding your Trafalgar Ancestors Online at The National Archives by Howard Benbrook Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion Vol 8 No 11, Jul-Sep 2005 : Click to view this journal online. Get yourself a Guild profile: a single web page for every registered one-name study by Paul Millington Trawling for online newspaper data and the problems arising from OCR by Peter Fifield Wells Much neglected, grimy bundles in The National Archives hold valuable records for one-namers by Keith Percy Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Marketing Subcommittee, Bookstall, Just My Opinion Vol 8 No 10, Apr-Jun 2005 : Click to view this journal online. The making of the Guild Marriage Index by Peter Alefounder Six million WWI medal index cards are to be destroyed by the MoD by Peter Alefounder Researching 21st century contemporary sources for your one-name study by Jeffrey Knaggs Did the Surdival surname get to Ireland from France? by Ellen Maki webwatch: UKBMD is a wonderful resource for one-namers by John Hanson Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion, Book Reviews, Letters Vol 8 No 9, Jan-Mar 2005 : Click to view this journal online. DNA Testing comes of age by Chris Pomery Do many of us really have rare surnames? by Donald Hatch webwatch: Is Genes Reunited just for beginners or one-namers, too? by Ken Toll Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion, Letters Vol 8 No 8, Oct-Dec 2004 : Click to view this journal online. Converting your one-name data from Microsoft Access files to GEDCOM by Cliff Kemball Why do some surname variants become fixed? by Steve Tanner One-name studies without a computer: Using a portable typewriter, ring binders and shoe boxes to record 32 generations of Carews by Joan Richardson A few quibbles but NBI 2 is a good buy for one-namers by Howard Benbrook Modern mapping of your ONS surname by postcode by David Mellor History and development of the Guild from its early days by President Derek Palgrave Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion, Book Reviews Vol 8 No 7, Jul-Sep 2004 : Click to view this journal online. One-Name Studies Without A Computer: Pen and paper records never crash and never pick up a virus! by Margaret Spiller One-Name Studies Without A Computer: My manual method is easier for finding people than a computer by Henry Christmas One-Name Studies Without A Computer: Researching a medieval family without a computer by Sydney Smith One-Name Studies Without A Computer: Fifty ring binders and 9,800 record cards in my ONS by Karen Tayler Intelligent searching of 1837online by Peter Walker Why the Guild has changed its e-mail system to defeat spam and viruses by John Hanson Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion, Book Reviews, Letters Vol 8 No 6, Apr-Jun 2004 : Click to view this journal online. Custodian 3 has some irritating teething troubles but great potential by Ken Toll Let online auction houses and book search websites find those rarities for you by Rob Alexander Website of the official organ of government information has lots of interest for one-namers by Howard Benbrook Introducing the Guild Archive – an electronic repository for members’ one-name records by Paul Millington Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion, Book Reviews, Letters Vol 8 No 5, Jan-Mar 2004 : Click to view this journal online. Many surname variants are really misspelt deviants by Derek Palgrave Make the most out of online search engines to aid your one-name research by Rob Alexander Business card that travelled across three continents and 100 years by Valda Shrimpton Impressive directories collection could do with a better search engine by Howard Benbrook Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion, Book Reviews, Letters Vol 8 No 4, Oct-Dec 2003 : Click to view this journal online. How to get the most from your Guild one-name e-mail address by Peter Walker webwatch: FamilyHistoryOnline boasts over 14 million records by John Hanson Officials storm a public library and snatch genealogical society’s microfilm by Dick Eastman With Surname Atlas a picture tells a thousand words by Howard Benbrook & Roy Stockdill Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion, Book Reviews, Letters, It’s a Funny Old World Vol 8 No 3, Jul-Sep 2003 : Click to view this journal online. Fraudulent registration of births and deaths in the 1840s means fictitious people may be in your records by Peter Park Using the online electoral roll for your one-name study by Steve Tanner Properly conducted one-name studies are a great boon to genealogists by Barney Tyrwhitt-Drake PRO moves the goalposts on 1901 census but extractor program still finds families by John Hanson Access to Archives – A2A is A1 for a one-name study by Geoff Riggs Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion Vol 8 No 2, Apr-Jun 2003 : Click to view this journal online. Many online records for family historians to be found in National Archives of Australia by David Weatherill Tracing slave and slave-owning ancestors in British Caribbean countries by Guy Grannum Your Guild e-mail address is worth the subscription by John Colloff Fun and games with day and month names from the 1881 census by John Hanson Was your ancestor a criminal, victim or trial witness? by Roy Stockdill Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Registrar’s Notes, Treasurer’s Notes, Librarian’s Notes, Bookstall, Just My Opinion, Letters, It’s a Funny Old Genealogical World Vol 8 No 1, Jan-Mar 2003 : Click to view this journal online. How one-namers can make best use of the 1901 census online by John Hanson Finding day and month surnames on the 1901 census by Roy Stockdill Why you should record all your documents and what is in them by John Colloff What kind of f-ing one-namer are you? by Roger Goacher Postcards have two sides to them by Colin Buck Guild Reports, News and Events Regulars: Committee, Treasurer’s Notes, Librarian’s Notes, Membership Secretary, Just My Opinion, Book Reviews, Letters, It’s a Funny Old Genealogical World