Global Marriages search Welcome to Global Marriages. This database is designed for members to share marriages from their studies but much of the information is also available to you as non-members. The marriages are from all over the world and for all time-spans. If you find one that interests you, use the contact link to email the contributor who, in many cases, will have a lot more information and you can discuss the details. Just enter a surname in the form below to start your search. If it is a very common name you may want to limit the time period. If you don’t get many results try using a wildcard on the spelling. If you are searching for a hyphenated name, it would be a good idea to search with an * before or after (or both) the surname. Marriages more recent than 60 years ago are not viewable to non-members. Happy hunting. Members please log in to see more options. Currently, there are 1,777,186 marriages of which 1,695,065 are available for public viewing. This field is hidden when viewing the formMembership NoSurname(Required)This field is required and will search for groom or bride surnames. Enter a single surname. Wildcards are permitted, ? for single char and * for multiple chars. ForenameWildcards are permitted. PlaceWildcards are permitted.CountryWildcards are permitted.Search other names? Yes No Include parents, witnesses and officiants (as available) in name search.Include Registration District in place search? Yes No Start yearEnd yearView records contributed by you? Yes No View records contributed by others? Yes No Δ