Datastore Details CORE INFORMATION Record ID:1277167 Study: Member: Data Type :death Date:23 Sep 1887 Surname:BLAKE Forenames:Mary Place:South Newton Stoford,Wilts Country:ENGLAND Dataset:Global Deaths MORE DETAILS Sex:female Age:59 years Occupation:Wife of Isaac Blake an Agricultural Labourer Cause:Disease of Heart. Dropsy Certified by C R Staton F.R.C.P. Informant:Janet Julia Blake daughter Informant description:present at the death Informant residence:Stoford, South Newton When Registered:Twenty third September 1887 Registrar:Francis Wiles Registrar Contributor:Martin Knightley Registration district:Wilton Subdistrict:Wilton GRO year:1887 GRO quarter:3 GRO volume:5A GRO page:114 GRO surname:BLAKE GRO forename:Mary Moon Certificate:DYA 737896 Do another search