20th Century Sources Posted 2 March 2023 by Julie GoucherCourtesy of Janet Few For the Guild’s webinar in March 2023 we welcome Janet Few. We often neglect the twentieth century as being ‘not really history’ but there is plenty of one-name research that can be done. Twentieth century research brings with it the difficulties of larger and more mobile populations as well as records that are closed to view, so here are some sources that can help you to bring those more recent one-name study members to life. Attendees will learn about some of the sources that will help with 20th century one-name research, and this likely to be of interest to all family historians. Janet Few About the speaker Janet is a long-standing Guild member, who has been working on the Braund one-name study for over forty years. She is a well-known speaker and the President of the Family History Federation. This webinar was available FREE (registration is required), to members of the public, Guild members and members of the genealogical and local history community, so why not share the information and join us on: The webinar took place on 1 March 2023 at 7.30pm GMT The recording was available to Guild Members for TWO weeks ONLY, until 19 March 2023 The handout is available at Janet’s website HERE Updated 21 March 2023 (JG)