The theme for this, the 34th Guild Conference and AGM was "Around England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales in 8,000 names". Each country had two talks about topics specific to that place. There was also a "Key Skills" talk about social networking.

It took place at the Copthorne Hotel Cardiff, on the 5th - 7th April 2013. The delegates started to arrive on the Friday, with a dinner and genealogical quiz night planned to get them ready for the weekend ahead!

After a welcome and official opening of the Conference from the Guild President, the Annual General Meeting took place; Guild members can watch the video and download or view the presentation of this in the Members' Room.

Click on the talk titles to find out what they are about, find out about the speakers, watch videos of the talks and download presentations and handouts where available.

Guild President opening the Conference

Guild Chairman Kirsty Gray at the AGM

England Section, sponsored by Ireland Section, sponsored by The Halstead Trust
Andrew Millard Gareth Davies Nollaig O Muraile John Hamrock

London: Where men can most effectively disappear
Andrew Millard

Companies House: Products, services & archives
Gareth Davies

Medieval Sources for Irish Genealogical Research
Nollaig O Muraile

Origins and Meanings of Irish Surnames
John Hamrock

This talk has been removed from the Guild website for copyright reasons

Scotland Section Wales Section
Lorna Kinnaird Dee Williams Peter Badham Beryl Evans

Retours: the Unknown Scottish Source for One-Namers
Lorna Kinnaird

Searching for historic Scots: Some resources
Dee Williams

The Welsh Context: A One-Name Perspective
Peter Badham

Digitised Welsh Newspapers Online
Beryl Evans

Key One-Name Study Skills Section

Debbie Kennett

The Power of Social Networking: Genealogy in the 21st century
Debbie Kennett

If you would like to be a speaker at Guild events, please contact the Guild's Education Liaison Officer to discuss your areas of expertise and interest. We welcome speakers from all levels of skill, from beginners to experts; everyone has something that they can offer!
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